IED baseline report

Welcome! Here you will find valid information about the initial status report. Any questions? Just give us a call!

We are happy to assist you with our services relating to the IED baseline report, including expert services in accordance with Section 18 of the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG).

IED baseline report

Reduce bureaucratic effort

IED Baseline Report – a complex word for a simple fact: The legislator obliges companies in certain manufacturing industries to return the land to its original condition after production plants have been shut down.

For this, however, you need to know what the situation was like before. Hence the baseline report (AZB in German). It documents the investigation of soil and groundwater before the so-called IED plants are put into operation – in terms of the substances used and produced.

Since the IED Directive came into force, the bureaucratic burden has been the focus of criticism. However, this can be reduced considerably by intelligent management of public authorities. As an expert in accordance with article 18 of the Federal Soil Protection Act, I will be happy to provide you with pragmatic solutions.

Ausgangszustandsbericht (AZB) Elsbroek Ingenieure
Worum geht es beim Ausgangszustandsbericht?

What is at issue?

In 2013 the Industrial Emissions Directive has come into force in Germany.
This directive – called IED – rules the approval, operation, monitoring and decommissioning of industrial plants within the European Union.
The directive adopts the provisions of several previously valid guidelines, and it also introduces new regulations. One of these is the implementation of a baseline report in terms of a preventive environmental protection.

Wer oder was ist von der IED-Richtlinie betroffen?

Who is affected and how?

In 2013 the European Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) has been embodied into national German law.
All new or substantially changed industrial plants – as far as they use or produce hazardous substances – must now implement a baseline report prior to initial operation.


A central feature of my work is to involve the competent authorities at a very early stage. This helps to reduce the effort for your company. Since many years now I have been working with different authorities, I well know their specific requirements and thus I am able to ensure noticeable profit and efficiency for your company.


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Investigation Concept

The first step is the draw up of an investigation concept, assessing whether the implementation of a baseline report is required. The investigation concept is specifically focused on the industrial properties, the intended operations and the substances used at the plant.

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Investigation concept

Subsequently, an investigation concept is prepared in which it is examined whether it is necessary to prepare a baseline report for the plant. The investigation concept is specially designed for the site of the installation, the intended operation and the substances used in the installation. It describes the scope of the investigations to be carried out.

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Baseline report

The investigation concept is the basis for the development of the baseline report. The baseline report collects all information regarding the plant-specific hazardous substances, their assessment, as well as the execution of soil and groundwater investigations. This document ensures that you are on the safe and legal side.

Interesting Facts

Approval Requirements

The requirements relevant for the approval of installations are laid down in §§ 4-21 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), Part 2.

Contaminated Sites

Contaminated sites in terms of the Federal Soil Protection Act areContaminated sites in terms of the Federal Soil Protection Act are

  1. decommissioned waste disposal facilities and other land on which waste has been treated, stored or deposited (old landfills), and
  2. Land belonging to decommissioned installations and other land on which environmentally hazardous substances have been handled, with the exception of installations whose decommissioning requires a permit under the Atomic Energy Act (old sites), which cause harmful soil contamination or other hazards to individuals or the general public.

IED Industrial Emissions Directive

Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU, also IE-RL: EU Directive with regulations on the licensing, operation, monitoring and decommissioning of industrial plants.

Federal Soil Protection Act

Federal Soil Protection Act: Pursues the goal of sustainably securing or restoring the functions of the soil. To this end, “harmful soil changes” are to be averted, the soil and contaminated sites and the resulting water pollution are to be remediated and precautions are to be taken against adverse effects on the soil.

Relevant hazardous substances

Substances which have the intrinsic capacity to cause pollution of the soil or groundwater on the site and are covered by the CLP Regulation.

CLP Regulation

European CLP Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 for „Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures“.